Originally Posted by FJ-OLLIE
Although I am flattered, there isat least one FJ out there that makes mine look minor in comparison where accessories are concerned. He goes by Cruiserlarry on all the forums. He is my go-to man when it comes to accessories. He owns Dirty Parts in Los Angeles and his personalized plates say "1CRZYFJ" for a reason. I am proud to call him a good friens and the BugEater trembles in his FJ's presence. I'll find some pics if I can. His FJ changes so frewuently that he doesn't ev en bother attempting to put a build thread together.
I will work on a write up of the various hacks for the FJ.
I want to see this beast you speak of. Get him over here
. This is the first I have heard about the FJ hacks, can't wait to read about it.