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Old 05-17-2011, 07:34 PM   #13
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Default Seatbelt mod

Cheapest mod so far!

So the seatbelts in the back were a pain in the butt because it was pretty much a two-handed job to get them clicked. I've seen others put a rubber tube, sliced along one side, around it to add some structural integrity.

What I've done is use a rubber door sill protector, zip-tied, and then wrapped with black gorilla tape to protect the seats from the zip-ties.

Now the kids and others who sit in the back don't get frustrated with getting the seatbelts done up.


Suck it up... it's only -40
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ARB Front Bumper
ARB Rock Rails
ARB Full Roof Rack W/ Grid
2x IPF lights on bumper
Old Man Emu Heavy Shocks
TRD performance exhaust
Warn M9000 winch
48" hi-lift extreme jack
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