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Capt Sensible 02-02-2011 04:26 AM

Forum Suggestions.
I figured I'd start a thread on suggestions for the forum, seeing as it is new.

1. Like other forums, I like the "Active Topic" button. Makes it easier to see what is new.

2. A home button would be nice, I know I can just hit the logo at the top, but I like buttons.

3. Do I really need to be logged out? It is annoying if I get distracted come back and try to post and SURPRISE you need to log in to do that. It could be an option I haven't noticed yet.

4. Free blowjobs. :pedobear:

Shaggy 02-02-2011 01:12 PM

Birdman can help you with the blow jobs.

Do you click the "Remember Me" check box before you login? That will keep you logged in. The others we will add when we get some activity.

JackRabbit_Slim 02-02-2011 05:50 PM

I think we need a random pic section where we can post random pics of sweet ass shit.. Like zombie killing trucks... or hot chicks...

JackRabbit_Slim 02-02-2011 05:50 PM

Until we have one I'm just going to have to post my sweet pics wherever I please

BIRDMAN 02-02-2011 06:21 PM

lol go ahead.

FJTom 02-02-2011 07:33 PM

The Capt does give good blowjobs

oops, I've said too much!

BIRDMAN 02-02-2011 07:38 PM

If you want any of that I suggest you guys bring your buddies over. We need members and content!! :p We will talk about the blow jobs tomorrow.

Capt Sensible 02-02-2011 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by BIRDMAN (Post 113)
If you want any of that I suggest you guys bring your buddies over. We need members and content!! :p We will talk about the blow jobs tomorrow.

You sound like my wife. Actually you sound like Tom's wife too!

Capt Sensible 02-02-2011 10:05 PM

Yeah I've clicked the remember me box. It probably solved the problem. I'll keep my eyes peeled.

VuDuWho 06-20-2011 02:03 PM

How about a glossary, for some us more 4WD/FJ terminology- challenged individuals ... would be kind of useful for us newbies, till we're up to speed.

Just a thought.

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