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Cogen Man 02-07-2011 01:49 PM

Cogen Mans 07 SunFusion.

Just one for now. With Demello bumper before the winch and lights.

BIRDMAN 02-07-2011 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Cogen Man (Post 435)

Just one for now. With Demello bumper before the winch and lights.

How do you like Demello? When we get to that point I would like to bring them on as vendors. Are they a good vendor?

Cogen Man 02-07-2011 10:12 PM

Very good vendor. I've only bought from them once. The experience was top notch. I'm in Ontario, Canada so it was a long way to ship from Cali. I ordered the bumper threw their website with no problems. Jason Demello called me about 3 times on his dime. Once when they got the order just to comfirm everything on the order and twice more to let me know the expected shipping date and to see if it had arrived okay. It was so well packaged it took me almost an hour to unwrap it. I opted to get the Acro lights for the bumper but they were shipped separate from the bumper to avoid having them get broke. They arrived about a day after the bumper did. Thats why you don't see them in the pic. I had to get that bad boy on ASAP. Ran my own electrical. Done them so I could have them on even with the engine off. Nice to have lights if I'm stranded in the bush with an engine that won't start at night. :Insane:

Capt Sensible 02-07-2011 10:31 PM

Looks good. I like DO too. I ended up going with a tube bumper myself, but DO was up there on my list.

FJTom 02-10-2011 09:51 PM


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