July 31, 2009. 12:30pm
I lie in a coma for 32 days, heavy iron gates to my soul rise as I open my eyes, as if I awoke from the best sleep of my life. Not knowing anything was wrong i'm in and out for the next two weeks slowly coming around, and becoming coherent, learning to talk again, telling my brain to move my hands, fingers, legs. But for some reason the lights weren't all the way on to my legs, why is this? Few more days go by, I earn the right to drink and eat on my own, apple juice was the first thing I had to drink in almost two months, and let me tell you, it was Jesus! Finally i'm awake or so it seemed, then I get the news... "You were shot five "5" times with a .40 caliber pistole, your lucky to be alive".
The doctor's say "we may have to take your left leg from the knee down". I'm horrified. Luckily the vein graph held together and I still have my leg.
Entry points...
Three rounds traveling 1000 feet per second, at point blank range, rip thru my upper left chest, exploding my clavical, 4 ribs and my lung, finally exiting thru my shoulder blade, spine, and back ribs.
I turn to walk away, and as i'm turning another bullet tears thru my right hip and pelvis, hits my spine again, turns and goes out my back, barely missing my kidneys.
At this point i'm drowning on my own blood as my lungs fill with blood, I hit the ground.
And the gun goes off again...
The last and final bullet tears thru my left knee, breaking all the bones and worst of all, cut my femoral in two. I'm bleeding to death.
Six more shots ring out in the night as the gun man flee's and fires into a crowd of on lookers. Luckily no one else was injured. Complete strangers pump on my chest and try to hold the wounds the best they can, waiting for help to arrive.
Leaving you with questions...
September 11, 2011 17:00
After months and months of searching and debating Rubicon or FJ, I find my self at Fowler Toyota in Norman, Ok.
I find my 2009 FJ Black Beauty, "OKIE" Slightly used with 50k on it, looked new to me and it was loaded out, settin' pretty on a fresh set of 285's. I owned it that day. Here we are 10k later and a few mods under it's belt and i'm still in love!
I got the FJ to be an extension of myself or former self. I didn't want to just stay inside and feel sorry for myself, every time I climb in the seat it just makes me feel good. I have a slight disability now and I try to not let it stop me from doing LIFE! And no, i'm not retarded! lol! But my legs and back are a wreck, so don't ask me to help you move!

Gotta get back to work now!!! LMAO!!!